Two new customers have been unpacking and assembling their Gigabots this fall. They are miles apart from each other, yet they share the same dream of using creative new technologies to improve peoples’ lives. They are both using Gigabots in conjunction with other technologies to print open-source prosthetic hands.
Both were also contestants in last summer’s Great Big Gigabot Giveaway

From Bogota, Colombia Francisco “Pacho” Posada, has started a company called Manatí Lab. He is developing a robotic hand prototype called 3DMulp, which uses myoelectric technology.
Coinciding with Pacho’s delivery, Jon Schull of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) also received a gigabot kit. Jon is the leader of E-NABLING THE FUTURE, a network of passionate volunteers using 3D printing to give the World a “Helping Hand”.
In future posts, I shall be following their stories. Stay tuned for more!
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