The Syracuse University Makerspace has quite a few 3D printers on hand – from super small wood-frame models, to a shelving tower of Makerbots, to their Gigabot (which, spoiler alert, now has a partner as of this year).

While they got Gigabot for the build volume – it was larger than anything else out there in their price range –what they realized is that its large bed could be beneficial for more than just really big prints. It can also function as a mini factory, cranking out dozens of smaller prints at a time. So while they have pushed their bot to long hours – John talks about one unusual print request they got from a visiting artist – they have also managed their heavy print workload in part thanks to being able to pack the bed full of smaller prints.

Watch the second video in the Syracuse series to hear about some notable projects that Syracuse University’s Gigabot has been a part of.

Morgan Hamel

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