Questions About Gigaprize?

Join us for a Q&A
Questions About Gigaprize?
Join Michael for a Q&A Session.
November 20, 2024
How does Gigaprize work?

For every 100 bots sold

We give one away

To someone helping the community
And the 2024 winner is…
OrthoAdditive Africa
After a lot of deliberation, OrthoAdditive Africa was selected as 2024 Gigaprize winner! Their vision of overcoming barriers to healthcare access for people living with disabilities through CAD and the Gigabot 4 3D printer has earned them this recognition. Congratulations!
Previous Gigaprize Winners

Brookwood in Georgetown
Texas | USA
Empowering adults with special needs through the Gigabot 4 3D printer to create unique 3D art

OGRE Skin Designs
Texas | USA
Utilize 3D printing technology as a design and development tool to prototype body armor for first responders

Magic Wheelchair
Portland | USA
Share a vision to use Gigabot to provide even more awesome costumes for kids in wheelchairs

Clinton Foundation
Aba Abia | Nigeria
Working with manufacturers, educators and the community to make Nigeria self sufficient, while supporting new job creation and STEAM

Good Works Studio
Houston | USA
Proposed making using Gigabot to 3D products to improve the quality of life for refugees as part of their mission to help those in need around the world through design

3D Mulp
Bogota | Columbia
Working to build my electric prosthetic arms for child amputees in Colombia
2024 Gigaprize Judges
re:3D will cover all duties and taxes!
Once the winner is announced, re:3D will confirm voltage requirements and begin building the printer for shipment in early 2025. If the winner prefers to purchase additional accessories or apply the value of a Gigabot 4 as credit towards another 3D printer or print services offered by re:3D, our sales and operations team will work the logistics accordingly.
Judging will take place during the last two weeks of December 2024. To maintain impartiality, an external team of individuals with a wide variety of experience and expertise has been assembled to judge the competition. They will evaluate entries based on three criteria: the originality of the proposed use of the printer and its potential impact on a community; the feasibility of the proposal; and the demonstrated drive and dedication of the applicant.
The winner will be announced on New Year’s Day 2025 after scores have been tabulated.
10% of the total judging score is based on the number of views and likes an entry receives on the Gigaprize 2024 playlist of re:3D’s YouTube channel. Applicants are encouraged to share the link to their video and to submit early to maximize the opportunity to collect the most likes!
You can email gigaprize@re3D.org with questions.
We will also host two virtual Q&A Sessions on December 20 via Zoom. More information about these sessions will be published on the re:3D website.
Winners will be notified via email and also announced on the re:3D website and on social media on New Year’s Day 2025.
Please follow Youtube’s video and audio recommendations for best playback: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/4603579?hl=en
Winners will receive either a Gigabot 4 printer or an equivalent amount of credit towards the purchase of another printer from re:3D, such as the Gigabot X or Terabot, or towards print services if that is more suitable.
No, running just one Gigabot 4 printer utilizing PLA or PETG will not create any special ventilation requirements.
We have carefully selected a team of peers, colleagues, and friends of re:3D who reflect a wide range of experience and expertise in the 3D printing world and beyond. They represent multiple industries, disciplines, and geographies.